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Photo Gallery

Just a few pics of my family and I...generally with me looking as rough as hell...but never mind!! ;-) May take a while to load, what with the big images and all!

1997, with my Cousin Jamie
Adam and I getting ready for the Rocky Horror Show in May 2003

Mum and I, 17th Birthday Party

Mum. Cassie and Nick 1998 -My 16th Birthday

Bob 1981 :-)
Chiara and I on her 17th Birthday, Crown Pub Hadleigh

With Phill Jupitus Dec 2000
My first audition as a glamour model!! ;-) One Day Old, in an incubator

I now have a strange inkling, why my grandad used to call me Gorilla! Have you ever seen a baby with a a square head?!
Mum with Daniel as a baby

My 18th Birthday with Wendy and Nick
Christmas 1989 with Nan and Great Nan

Me March 2003
My passport photo in 2002, giving my best Hugo Myatt stare!!

With Nick in 1996